he's chasing dreams hitting seams.
she's chasing dreams talking sports.
With the NFL preseason underway and real games just around the corner, I wanted to layout the three types of females a male might encounter during football season. 1) The Hater The “Hater” is the wife or girlfriend that absolutely hates football season. She wants you to tackle (pun intended) the to do list she made for you on Sunday. Not sit on the couch, eating and watching NFL RedZone all day long. She wants to have a “Sunday Fun Day” at the park and try that new restaurant that all her friends have told her about. The “Hater” is the only reason guys hate Sundays, because they have to justify watching football all day. And by justify, I mean tell her they will take her out on a date Saturday and buy her those pair of shoes she has been eyeing for weeks. 2) The Poser
The “Poser” is the girl you can find in the stadiums and sports bars with the pink jersey. Let me clear something up: I am all for pink jerseys if they are supporting breast cancer awareness. I am a firm believer that the NFL shouldn’t have to make pink jerseys to get the women to buy them. The “Poser” is the girl that claps when you clap, shouts what you shout and is confused as to whether “her team” is on offense or defense. She tries to act like she knows the game so she can be around you and the boys. But really, she is just there for the food and to swoon over Tom Brady. We all understand that not every girl can be like the next one (The Real Deal), so all I’m suggesting is if you choose to hang out with The “Poser” during football season be prepared to talk her through the penalties. Just be patient with her because she will make that buffalo chicken dip you love for the Super Bowl party. 3) The Real Deal “The Real Deal” is the girl you don’t even really know is there Sunday. She acts and thinks like the guys do. She is the girl yelling, “C’MON REF, THROW THE FLAG! THAT’S PASS INTERFERENCE! HOW DO YOU MISS THAT?” She questions the play call. She probably grew up tackling her brothers and using her grandparents season tickets. The Real Deal looks forward to Sundays just like the guys do, and her week can be ruined if her team loses. No one type is better than the other. Every guy gets his pick. Learn which type you’re hanging around and game plan because football season is here.
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Matt & Jesica BeatyWelcome in to dreams and seams! A tell-all blog about our career dreams and path to reaching those dreams with some commentary about sports and life plus some videos too. "Strive for the impossible because it makes the possible seem effortless." -Matt Beaty Categories